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창고 3/[Dev] My Readme

git pull request 단계별 연습하기

by 부엉이의 정보 창고 2022. 1. 3.

How to do git pull request

  1. Check a task given and ellaborate in Github issue : set label and assignee
  2. Create a branch and move to the branch with : git branch -b myBranch
  3. Add changes, commit, and push to the branch
  4. Github will automatically sense the push and let you know about the change like below

  1. Open a pull request and compare the two branches : 1) main 2) newly created branch. Explain why it should be merged with the main branch.

  1. Set other details such as assginee, label, reviewer, and linked issue before completing the pull request

  1. Check what details have been made in Files changed tab.

  1. Make a review on it.

  1. Once reviews done and your team members approve your contribution, merge the change and delete the branch. You can revert the merge commit.

  1. Check the result. The merge commit is on main branch now.



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