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창고 3/[Dev] My Readme

몽고 DB 기초 4

by 부엉이의 정보 창고 2022. 1. 7.

Testing With Mocha

Mocha is a testing framework used to make test cases. Running tests consistently ensures newly added features are well integrated with previous ones.

You can test such as :

  • Creating records
  • Reading records
  • Updating records
  • Deleting records

Install Mocha like below

npm install mocha --save

// Installing mocha is not required for production setting.
npm install mocha --save-dev


Assert is a built-in module in Node.js. It evaluates a value parameter and if it is not true, throw error.

assert(value, message) // message is optional

Mocha configuration with Package.json

Configurate Mocha like below in Package.json to use Mocha with command npm test.

  "scripts": {
    "test": "node_modules/.bin/mocha $(find your/foler/directory -name '*.js') --recursive -w",
    "start": "nodemon"

Handling Asynchronous Request With Mocha

Saving model into database is an asynchronous request. Deliver 'done' function parameter provided by Node.js and call it after the asynchronous request is done.

       .then(function(done) {
           // do what is needed
           done(); // finish the asynchronous request

When the done parameter is not properly delivered

When delivered


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