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창고 3/[Dev] My Readme

Learning React essentials 1

by 부엉이의 정보 창고 2022. 1. 18.
  • What is it : Javascript UI library
  • Why learn : is one of the core skill set of front end developer
  • What to learn : React, JSX, Redux, React-Redux
  • Runtime : Node JS
  • Rivals : Vue, Angular
  • One step further : React with Typescript, React with Node JS
  • Goal : Meow canvas refactoring with React/TS

Create a React app

npx create-react-app

Once you create a react app, look at the directories to get more understanding of React.

  • /public : index.html => root div
  • /src : React codes contained
  • /src/App.js : Updates and compile React codes
  • /src/index.js : Imports React, ReactDOM, reportWebVitals, and css files
  • Everything loads into App component and export the App component into index.js
  • class component : (constructor) + render(required). A class component must include render method and return statement only can return one parent element.
  • simple component : does not use class keyword

What is reportWebVitals in React?A built-in tool to measure your React app performance.

import reportWebVitals from './reportWebVitals'; 

Element in React

the smallest unit in React codes. It shows what is displayed in screen.

  • Immutable, meaning can't add or change once react element is created.
  • Updated in virtual DOM and reflected to actual DOM.
  • What is Virtual DOM in React?

DOM comparison(click to unfold)

React has its own strength in performance since it updates HTML DOM where only update needed by exploiting virtual DOM.

    1. State changes (update needed)
    1. Render virtual DOM
    1. Updates the actual DOM
// element in react
const element = <h1> Hello React </h1>

// Root DOM node : one and only. manages all the child elements
<div id="root"></div>

// ReactDom.render(element, container) - renders a React element and returns a reference to that. Only mutate partial DOM if the previous element needs an update. 

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