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창고 3/[Dev] My Readme

Learning Typescript Essentials

by 부엉이의 정보 창고 2022. 1. 28.

The goal of below tutorial is to make a simple money journal in web using typescript.

Understanding Typescript

Typescript is a Javascript superset coming with extra features and syntax. Since browser does not understand typescript, it needs to be complied to Javascript to be used in web.

  • Strict types
  • Extra features : generics, interface, tuples

Once you are done writing typescript codes, compile it like below

tsc (your_file.ts) (your_file.js) // your_file.js can be omitted if output file name is the same

tsc helloWorld -w // compile helloWorld.ts into helloWorld.js and reflect changes automatically(flag -w)


  • Understand Javascript : arrow function, DOM, ES6, ... etc
  • Node js to install and compile typescript

Install Typescript with below npm command

npm install -g typescript

Typescript config

Make a Typescript config file in your project root so that you can adjust setting.

tsc --init

  • target clarifies which JS version it targets to.
  • module clarifies what module is generated.
  • rootDir is a place where your whole typescript code will be contained.
  • outDir is a place where the compiled typescript files(JS) will be contained

Note that if there is a ts file outside of the rootDir, ts config will fire an error. 'rootDir' is expected to contain all source files.

Add include property to tsconfig if some ts files need to be outside the rootDir.

  "include":["src"] // specify a directory where compiler will compile

Once all things set, you can just type 'tsc' to compile without specifying path and file names. Add -w flag to 'watch' your ts continued changes.

Basic Types

Typescript does a type inference. Once a variable has a type, the language understands it will keep the type. For example,

let myNumber = 4
myNumber = 'four' // can't do this 

Typescript lets us check a type before runtime in browser unlike Javascript, making less errors.

// javascript 
const myMath = (diameter) => { 
    console.log(Math.PI * diameter)

myMath('hello math') // do not throw error before runtime

// In typescript, this is incorrect
const myMath = (diameter) => { 
    console.log(Math.PI * diameter)

myMath('hello math') // can't compile, throwing error before compile

// do this instead
const myMath = (diameter: number):number => {
    return diameter * Math.PI

Explicit types

let name : string
let age : number

You can also take class as variable type.

class Bird {
    name : string
    canFly : boolean
    wing : number
    constructor(name:string, canFly:boolean, wing:number) {
        this.name = name
        this.canFly = canFly
        this.wing = wing
        console.log(`${this.name} has ${this.wing} wings and can fly : ${this.canFly}`)

const birdOne = new Bird("jake", true, 3)
const birdTwo = new Bird("elly", false, 2)
let CanadaBird : Bird[] = [] // CanadaBird is an array containing Bird object


In Typescript, setting parameter/return types is possible. If a function does not return anything explicitly, it can be written as it returns 'void'. Typescript will infer what types of return will be returned even when you didn't clarify.

function myTypescript(name : string, age: number):string {
    return `${name} is ${age}`

function myVoid():void { 
    console.log("hello void")

Type casting

const anchor = document.querySelector("a")! // ! let Typescript knows this value is not null

if (anchor) { 

// type casting in typescript : making sure an element has a specific type
const form = document.querySelector('form') as HTMLFormElement
// checks if the form variable exists
if (form) {
} else { 
    console.log("no form")

ES6 with Typescript

  • spread operator
// spread operator in typescript
let bowl: [number, number, number] = [1,2,3]
let newBowl = [...bowl]

Access modifier

Access modifier sets a boundary how user can apporach to properties and class. Understanding access modifier provides a great way for encapsulation.

  • public : can access, can change value
  • readonly : can access, can't change value
  • private : can't access, can't change value
// way 1 : shorter
class Account {
        readonly name : string
        readonly amount : number
        public signedDate : string
        private status : string
    ){} // this way only works with access modifier

// way 2 : more descriptive
class Account { 
    readonly name : string
    readonly amount : number
    public signedDate : string
    private status : string

    constructor(name: string, amount: number, signedDate:string, status :string) {
        this.name = name
        this.amount = amount
        this.signedDate = signedDate
        this.status = status


Interface is an extended feature available Typescript. The abstract class(interface) enforces concrete class to follow a certain form(variables, methods).

// Create an abstract class : parent class 
interface Animal { 
    age : number, 
    walkOn(road: string):string

// Create a concrete class : child class
// Jake_human is an instance of the Animal class
const Jake_human : Animal = {
    age : 27, 
    walkOn(road = "London"):string {
        return `Jake is walking on ${road}`


const Roads = (entity : Animal):string => {
    return entity.walkOn("Seoul")


Compare above Typescript interface usage with below Go interface one.

package main

import "fmt"

type magicStore struct {
	value interface{}
	name  string

func (ms *magicStore) SetValue(v interface{}) {
	ms.value = v

func (ms *magicStore) GetValue() interface{} {
	return ms.value

func NewMagicStore(nm string) *magicStore {
	return &magicStore{name: nm}

func main() {
	IntStore := NewMagicStore("Integer Store")
	if v, ok := IntStore.GetValue().(float64); ok {
		v += 100
	} else {
		fmt.Println("not correct type assertion")

	StringStore := NewMagicStore("String Store")
	StringStore.SetValue("my string: ")
	if v, ok := StringStore.GetValue().(string); ok {
		v += "yes, this is mine"
	} else {
		fmt.Println("not correct type assertion")



Generic allows us to change types flexibly or follow a certain form so that we can re-use some codes.

Generic in function

Flexible type casting with generic

const Dog = <T>(name : string, age: T): void => { 
    console.log(`dog ${name} is ${age} this year`)

const myDog = Dog("butter", "two") // generic <T> enables to decide types later, flexibly
const yourDog = Dog("fly", 2)

Followable type casting with generic

const Cow = <T extends { id : number, origin : string }>(identity : T, age : number):void => {
    console.log(`Cow id : ${identity.id}, from ${identity.origin}, ${age} years old`)

Generic in interface

interface Cat<T> {
    name : string
    age : T
const myCat = Cat( { name : "butter", age : 5 })
const yourCat = Cat( { name : "fly", age : ["five years old"] })

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