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Learning React Essentials 2 Components and Props Component and props(properties) is the building blocks of React. Javascript : input => function => output React : property => component => element Component Component is an important subject in React since React is component-based. Think of it as class in Python, function in Javascript, meaning it is a template used to make objects. Component should act like pure functions, .. 2022. 1. 20.
Learning React essentials 1 What is it : Javascript UI library Why learn : is one of the core skill set of front end developer What to learn : React, JSX, Redux, React-Redux Runtime : Node JS Rivals : Vue, Angular One step further : React with Typescript, React with Node JS Goal : Meow canvas refactoring with React/TS Create a React app npx create-react-app Once you create a react app, look at the directories to get more u.. 2022. 1. 18.
How to automatically save your codes in VSC Live Server Extension Installaion There had been a lot of trials and errors to exercise HTML basics. Pressing control + S regularly is a such pain in my finger whenever editing CSS codes for a webpage. Luckily, there is an extension in Visual Studio Code to help automatically save codes we have written so far. I found the extension extremely helpful so wanted to share with other developers. To a.. 2022. 1. 17.
Understanding asynchronous Javascript Asynchronous Javascript is very important topic since it controls a work flow that takes long time to finish. For example, saving model as an instance in database fetching external data from APIs in server This markdown docs summarizes below to lectures about asynchronous Javascript and JSON APIs. NetNinja : Asynchronous Javascript Free code camp : JSON APIs and Ajax Asynchronous Javascript Java.. 2022. 1. 17.
Node js 기초 2 Express Middleware Serving static webpages and assets could be simpler with express since it provides a middleware. Middleware is a function that takes route handlers and adds information. Express provdies the middleware to manage static assets. Without this middleware, all the static assets would require corresponding routes. // syntax : express.static(root + endpoint) // Normal usage app.use(e.. 2022. 1. 13.
Node js 기초 1 Client and Server interaction Front EndInteractionBackend event, DOM, template, routing HTTP, Ajax, JSON, RESTful Web server, template, routing, database, APIs There a few tech combinations for Node JS, which is MERN stack. MongoDB : database Express : framework React : UI library Node JS : server Node.js Node Package Manager One of the advantages to use npm is dependency control. Through packag.. 2022. 1. 12.
