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git commit 취소하는 법, git push 취소하는 법, git 폴더명 변경하기 Undoing commit and push Troubleshoting done by Paragraph edited and translated by See JS debugging tutorial in YouTube During this YouTube tutorial, I had encountered one github troubleshooting. A commit for image file had been placed in javascript code, not the original image one. Undoing a git push I made had always been a unwelcome guest so I decided to face it and figure out this time. How t.. 2022. 1. 4.
git pull request 단계별 연습하기 How to do git pull request Check a task given and ellaborate in Github issue : set label and assignee Create a branch and move to the branch with : git branch -b myBranch Add changes, commit, and push to the branch Github will automatically sense the push and let you know about the change like below Open a pull request and compare the two branches : 1) main 2) newly created branch. Explain why i.. 2022. 1. 3.
블록체인 합의 알고리즘 컨셉 Golang 데모 : Proof of Safe Number package main import ( "fmt" "log" "math" "math/rand" "time" ) func main() { // Create a safe and safeNumber. mySafe := safe{} mySafeNumber := safePassword{} // Enter a user name, NFT token ID, and locktime to store. // Exmaple - owner: jonghyun, lock_time: 20210615, token_id: goBlock fmt.Println("유저 네임을 입력하세요: ") fmt.Scanln(&mySafeNumber.owner) fmt.Println("저장할 NFT 토큰 ID를 입력하세요: ") fmt.Scanln(&m.. 2021. 12. 31.
데일리 카페인 총량 계산 Golang 데모 package main import ( "database/sql" "fmt" _ "github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3" ) // Declare constant variables to Sqlite queries const ( CREATE_TABlE = "CREATE TABlE caffeine_checker(date text not null, name text not null, amount float64 not null)" INSERT_DATA = "INSERT INTO caffeine_checker values(?, ?, ?)" SELECT_DATA = "SELECT * FROM caffeine_checker" ) // Create a map to index coffee drinks and .. 2021. 12. 30.
예약 스크린샷 자동 저장 파이썬 데모 import pyautogui import schedule import time # Set a classtime in a dictionary form. classTime = dict({ 1 : "09:05", 2 : "10:05", 3 : "11:05", 4 : "12:05", 5 : "14:05", 6 : "15:05", 7 : "16:05", 8 : "17:05", }) # Screenshot automator ver 1.0 # Create a screenShot function to take a screenshot. def screenShot(i): myFileName = str(i) + "교시" + ".png" myShot = pyautogui.screenshot() myShot.save(r'./.. 2021. 12. 29.
블록체인 DID 컨셉 SSO(싱글 사인온) 파이썬 데모 코드 # Import abstract class module to create an abstract class import abc # import wraps module to use wraps. from functools import wraps # Create an abstract class1 : Customer class Customer(metaclass = abc.ABCMeta): # Create an abstract method @abc.abstractmethod def SignUp(self): pass # Create an abstract class2 : CustomerInfo class CustomerInfo(metaclass = abc.ABCMeta): # Create an abstract meth.. 2021. 12. 28.
